Better You for a Better World
We believe in the power of fitness to change the world. Whatever it is that you do to move, we turn it into a movement. Using your energy and drive to be the best version of yourself, we work with you and show you how bettering yourself can also better the world!
We host yoga classes, workouts, and even inspiring evening events wherever you are. These events help to build community and give purpose to whatever activities you are already doing.
All events help to fund our philanthropic projects both in the local communities we live in and around the world.
It's time you became a Fitlanthropist!
Don’t Take Our Word for It
What an amazing experience! I love working out and had done runs for a cause but never imagined that a workout could go towards something that matters! I had so much fun!
Riley Jones
Yoga had always been about finding internal peace and balance for me and I love how Fitlanthropy showed me how my practice can actually bring balance to others as well.
Sam Hillman
The CITII TALKS event was so inspiring! I'd heard of TED Talks but never something like this where we were actually part of the conversation! We got to get out of our gym clothes and spend some time with our tribe and have some really meaningful conversations. I need more of this in my life!